Yes … Part 1 because there are just too many pictures to decide which are the best. The elusive Wave hike … a 6 mile roundtrip hike that starts in Utah and ends in Arizona. But it’s really not just about the Wave itself, the other sandstone features on the way to the Wave and surrounding the Wave are just as amazing. The Wave is located in Grand Staircase National Monument and managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Under the Wilderness Act, the BLM has instituted a lottery system to preserve the Wave not only physically but also for solitude. Who wants to hike to something this amazing and have there be hundreds of other people? To do this, there are only 20 people allowed to hike in this area per day and all are selected using a lottery system. Sean must have been our good luck charm since we scored permits this time around! So stoked to have been able to see this area of Coyote Buttes North with our own eyes.
- Jonathan